Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Prayer Alert : MEKUDESHET – Demonic Event

Shalom dear intercessors and friends of Israel!

Prayer Alert : MEKUDESHET – Demonic Event

Tomorrow (August 23rd) an event will start in Jerusalem, and go on until September 15th.
It is called MEKUDESHET - a Hebrew word, used during the betrothal ceremony. At the peak of a Jewish wedding the groom slides the ring on the index finger of his bride, and cites, “By accepting this ring you become my exclusive [Mekudeshet] spouse according to the religion [or customs] of Moses and Israel.” The word Kadosh (holy) is derived from the same root, and so this blessing literally means: you are exclusively mine, holy and separated unto me.

It is not a coincidence that the event will start on Rosh Chodesh Elul (August 23rd) the beginning of the month when the Jewish people prepare themselves to the Fall feasts in “teshuvah” and “slichot” (prayers of repentance).

This event claims to be artistic and cultural and deeply inspired and connected to the city of Jerusalem.

It took place in 2015 and 2016, always at the same season of the year.
Read the vision of the directors:

Jerusalem is our holy of holies: both our inspiration and our artwork, both the chief protagonist and the set. It is the dream and the reality. Its beauty mesmerizes us but its ugliness doesn’t escape us for a moment. For us, Jerusalem is a state of consciousness. We are constantly trying to touch its inner soul and holiness, to grapple with its challenges and needs, and to heal its deep, gaping wound.

We try to elevate our gaze, to dissolve boundaries, to generate empathy, and to open our hearts and minds. We try to remember, always, that Jerusalem conquers us, liberates us, and enables us to unite around a common love for the city.

During the four weeks of Mekudeshet 2017—and actually at any given moment—we try to go back to our roots, to the spring or the heart of the city, and to call on everyone who believes—no matter what—to come to Jerusalem, to come find themselves within Jerusalem, to come in peace.

The words we highlighted show how this is a demonic event based on ideas from ecumenism and new age, declaring that all paths (religions) are good and lead to the same god.

We know that the only one that can heal our wounds, touch our inner soul, elevate our gaze, open our hearts and minds, liberate us, and unite us in peace is Yeshua!

The enemy claims he can do such things, but he is just the counterfeit!
One of the performances that happened in 2015 was called “Between Alchemy and Witchcraft”.

For this year there is one performance called “Found” – This work is based on this ancient tradition and will try to bring back a stone, or the Western Wall, if you like, to Jerusalem, with which we can search for and retrieve everything that we have lost.  One person in front of another, with no heavenly intervention and with no reliance on state institutions. A stone that draws its power from the belief that it is everyone’s duty to return something that has been lost to its owner, with no expectation of a reward.

Although they say there is no “heavenly intervention”, we know that if there is no Godly intervention, sadly, there is demonic intervention.

We truly believe that arts are very prophetic, as the artists proclaim with their voices and bodies all there is in the deep of their souls.

Another performance is called “Tongues of Fire”.

We pray that the True and Holy Spirit of God will touch the Israelis and they will receive the tongues of fire from Him!

Let’s agree in prayer that:

-       The angels of God will be guarding His precious City

-       The minds and souls of the Israelis will be protected from the subtleties of the enemy, specially the youth

-       The event will be a bust

-       Jerusalem is His bride and “mekudeshet” (exclusive) to her bridegroom Yeshua haMashiach!

"Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and  be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”"

Revelation 21:1-8

Alerta de oração: MEKUDESHET – Evento Demoníaco

Shalom queridos intercessores e amigos de Israel!

Alerta de oração: MEKUDESHET – Evento Demoníaco

Amanhã (23 de agosto) um evento iniciará em Jerusalém e se estenderá até 15 de setembro.

É chamado de MEKUDESHET - uma palavra hebraica, usada durante a cerimônia de noivado. No auge de um casamento judaico, o noivo desliza o anel no dedo indicador da sua noiva e cita, "Aceitando este anel você se torna minha esposa exclusiva de [Mekudeshet] de acordo com a religião [ou costumes] de Moisés e de Israel." A palavra Kadosh (Santo) é derivada da mesma raiz, e então esta bênção significa literalmente: você é exclusivamente minha, Santa e separada para mim.

Não é por acaso que o evento terá início em Rosh Chodesh Elul (23 de agosto) o início do mês quando o povo judeu se prepara para as Festas de Outono em "teshuvah" e "slichot" (orações de arrependimento).

Este evento proclama ser artístico e cultural e profundamente inspirado e conectado  com a cidade de Jerusalém.

Aconteceu em 2015 e 2016, sempre na mesma época do ano.

Leia a visão dos diretores:

Jerusalém é o nosso santo dos santos: tanto a nossa inspiração quanto a nossa arte, tanto o principal protagonista como o cenário. É o sonho e a realidade. Sua beleza nos hipnotiza, mas sua feiúra não nos escapa por um momento. Para nós, Jerusalém é um estado de consciência. Estamos constantemente tentando tocar sua alma e santidade internas, lidar com seus desafios e necessidades, e curar sua ferida profunda e aberta.
Tentamos elevar o nosso olhar, dissolver fronteiras, gerar empatia e abrir nossos corações e mentes. Tentamos lembrar, sempre, que Jerusalém nos conquista, nos liberta e nos permite unir em torno de um amor comum pela cidade.

Durante as quatro semanas de Mekudeshet 2017 - e, na verdade, em qualquer momento - tentamos voltar para nossas raízes, para a fonte ou para o coração da cidade, e convidar todos os que acreditam - não importa no que – a virem a Jerusalém , para se encontrar dentro de Jerusalém, a virem em paz.”

As palavras que destacamos mostram como este é um evento demoníaco baseado em ideias do Ecumenismo e Nova Era, declarando que todos os caminhos (religiões) são bons e levam ao mesmo deus.

Sabemos que o único que pode curar as nossas feridas, tocar nossa alma, elevar nosso olhar, abrir nossos corações e mentes, libertar-nos e unir-nos em paz é Yeshua!

O inimigo afirma que ele pode fazer essas coisas, mas ele é apenas uma falsificação!

Uma das performances que aconteceu em 2015 era chamada "Entre a alquimia e a bruxaria".

Para este ano há uma performance chamada "Encontrado" – “Este trabalho baseia-se nesta tradição antiga e tentará trazer de volta uma pedra, ou o Muro das Lamentações, se quiser, a Jerusalém, com a qual podemos procurar e recuperar tudo o que perdemos. Uma pessoa na frente de outra, sem intervenção celestial e sem dependência das instituições do Estado. Uma pedra que extrai seu poder da crença de que é dever de todos devolver algo que se perdeu para seu dono, sem expectativa de recompensa.”

Embora eles digam que não há nenhuma "intervenção celestial", nós sabemos que, se não houver nenhuma intervenção divina, infelizmente, há intervenção demoníaca.

Acreditamos verdadeiramente que a Arte é sempre muito profética, já que os artistas proclamam com suas vozes e corpos tudo que há no profundo de suas almas.

Outra performance é chamada de "Línguas de fogo".

Nós oramos para que o Verdadeiro e Santo Espírito de Deus toque os israelenses, e eles recebam as línguas de fogo Dele!

Vamos concordar em oração que:

-       Os anjos de Deus vão estar guardando sua preciosa cidade

-       As mentes e almas dos israelenses ficarão protegidas contra as sutilezas do inimigo, especialmente os jovens.

-       O evento será um fracasso

-       Jerusalém é a noiva e "mekudeshet" (exclusiva) para seu noivo Yeshua haMashiach!

“Vi novo céu e nova terra, pois o primeiro céu e a primeira terra passaram, e o mar já não existe. Vi também a cidade santa, a nova Jerusalém, que descia do céu, da parte de Deus, ataviada como noiva adornada para o seu esposo. Então, ouvi grande voz vinda do trono, dizendo: Eis o tabernáculo de Deus com os homens. Deus habitará com eles. Eles serão povos de Deus, e Deus mesmo estará com eles. E lhes enxugará dos olhos toda lágrima, e a morte já não existirá, já não haverá luto, nem pranto, nem dor, porque as primeiras coisas passaram. E aquele que está assentado no trono disse: Eis que faço novas todas as coisas. E acrescentou: Escreve, porque estas palavras são fiéis e verdadeiras. Disse-me ainda: Tudo está feito. Eu sou o Alfa e o Ômega, o Princípio e o Fim. Eu, a quem tem sede, darei de graça da fonte da água da vida. O vencedor herdará estas coisas, e eu lhe serei Deus, e ele me será filho. Quanto, porém, aos covardes, aos incrédulos, aos abomináveis, aos assassinos, aos impuros, aos feiticeiros, aos idólatras e a todos os mentirosos, a parte que lhes cabe será no lago que arde com fogo e enxofre, a saber, a segunda morte."

Apocalipse 21:1-8

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

URGENT Prayer Alert

Prayer Alert – Pride Parade in Jerusalem

On our newsletter recently sent we wrote about the importance of being zealous over the Almighty’s dwelling place.

Tomorrow, August 03, between 5 and 8pm (Israel time) the Gay Parade will take place in Jerusalem.

We have seen increasingly in our days, the LGBT ideology being disseminated in the media and in schools.

The biblical values have been perverted and the fear of God has disappeared.

In the first chapter of the book of Romans we see that homosexuality is a judgment of God because the human being have abandoned the true God and have worshiped other gods (idols of other religions, humanism, money, etc...)

"Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature."
Romans 1.24-27

This is very sad, but we believe that those who seek God truly meet Him and are delivered.

We know people who have experienced this miracle and now are servants of God and worshippers.

Something that has caught our attention is the flag used by the LGBT movement. It has the colors of the rainbow. The rainbow reminds us the covenant with Noah after the flood, but is also seen in other Biblical passages.

"Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.
So when I saw it,  I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking."
Ezekiel 1.28

Here we see clearly that the colors of the rainbow are totally connected to the GLORY of YHWH.
We know that this is what the enemy wishes to have - the glory of God!

"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High."
Isaiah 14.14

Let us pray that the angels of God will be guarding the city.

Let us pray that the enemy's plans are thwarted and the event will be boycotted.

Let us pray that there will be repentance and especially for children and teenagers, so that their minds will be protected from evil.

Let us worship, because we know that there is a battle of altars.

Let us exalt the only one worthy of Glory –Yeshua haMashiach!

Alerta de Oração – URGENTE

Alerta de Oração – Parada Gay em Jerusalém

Em nosso newsletter enviado recentemente escrevemos sobre a importância de termos zelo pela Morada do Altíssimo.

Amanha 03 de agosto entre 17 e 20 horas (horário de Israel) acontecerá a Parada Gay em Jerusalém.

Temos visto cada vez mais em nossos dias, a ideologia de gênero sendo difundida nos meios de comunicação e nas escolas.

Os valores bíblicos têm sido deturpados e o temor de Deus tem desaparecido.

No primeiro capitulo do livro de Romanos vemos que a homossexualidade é um juízo de Deus pelo fato de o ser humano ter abandonado o verdadeiro Deus e ter adorado outros deuses (ídolos de outras religiões, humanismo, dinheiro, etc...)

"Por isso, Deus entregou tais homens à imundícia, pelas concupiscências de seu próprio coração, para desonrarem o seu corpo entre si; pois eles mudaram a verdade de Deus em mentira, adorando e servindo a criatura em lugar do Criador, o qual é bendito eternamente. Amém! Por causa disso, os entregou Deus a paixões infames; porque até as mulheres mudaram o modo natural de suas relações íntimas por outro, contrário à natureza; semelhantemente, os homens também, deixando o contato natural da mulher, se inflamaram mutuamente em sua sensualidade, cometendo torpeza, homens com homens, e recebendo, em si mesmos, a merecida punição do seu erro."
Romanos 1.24 – 27

Isso é algo muito triste, mas cremos que aqueles que buscam a Deus verdadeiramente, o encontram e são libertos. Conhecemos pessoas que viveram esse milagre e hoje são servos de Deus adoradores.

Algo que nos chama a atenção é a bandeira utilizada pelo movimento LGBT. Ela tem as cores do arco de Deus. O arco nos remete a aliança com Noé após o dilúvio, mas também é visto em outras passagens bíblicas.

"Como o aspecto do arco que aparece na nuvem em dia de chuva, assim era o resplendor em redor. Esta era a aparência da glória do SENHOR; vendo isto, caí com o rosto em terra e ouvi a voz de quem falava."
Ezequiel 1.28

Aqui vemos claramente que as cores do arco estão totalmente conectadas com a GLORIA DE YHWH.

Sabemos que é isso que o inimigo deseja - ter a Gloria de Deus para ele!

"subirei acima das mais altas nuvens e serei semelhante ao Altíssimo."
Isaias 14.14

Oremos para que os anjos de Deus estejam guardando a cidade.

Oremos para que os planos do inimigo sejam frustrados e o evento seja boicotado.

Oremos para que haja arrependimento e principalmente pelas crianças e adolescentes, para que suas mentes sejam guardadas do mal.

Estejamos em adoração, pois sabemos que existe uma batalha de altares.

Exaltemos ao único digno de Gloria – Yeshua haMashiach!

Newsletter July 2017

Shalom dear intercessors and friends of Israel. 

His Dwelling Place

In July we had some uprisings by the enemy of our souls, as we saw in the news: terrorist attacks and conflicts at the Temple Mount beside attacks on Jewish homes in the West Bank.

"For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: “This  is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it."
Psalms 132.13-14

Our God is Spirit and dwells wherever He wants: in the Heavens, in our hearts and in JERUSALEM!

“Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”
Psalms 2.6

He chose that place to reign through his son, our Mashiach!
Knowing this, the enemy tries to steal His place:

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’”
Isaiah 14.12-14

We can’t be apathetic seeing the enemy profane the dwelling place chosen by YHWH. We must be zealous for his Word and have dominium with the direction of his Spirit.

"Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, “What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”"
1 Samuel 17.26

David was zealous over the people of Israel and also over His land, the dwelling place of the most high.

"Your  Dwelling Place”

"I will not give rest to my eyes
I will not rest my eyelids
Till find a place for you Jesus
I will enter the sanctuary
And I will climb up on your holy mountain
Till find a place
Prepared for you


One thing I ask the Lord
And will seek, and will seek
That I can live in your House
Every day of my life

I found, I found
Your altars Lord and my God
Composition: David Silva
Bein Hametzarim-Between the Straits

The 11th of July and 1st of August represents the first and last days of three weeks of lament, anguish, tribulation, Strait in Israel, recalling the destruction of the walls of Jerusalem (17 of the 4th month this year on 11th of July) by Nebuchadnezzar (586 BC – 2 Kings 25.3-4; Jeremiah 39.2 ;  52.6-7 ) and by the Romans, six centuries later (70 dC), both culminating in the destruction of the two sacred temples or Batei HaMikdashim, in Jerusalem ( 9 of the 5th month- Tisha B'Av – 9th day of the month of Av or fifth month this year in August 01).

The direct consequence of the destruction of the temples was the destruction of Jewish life in Israel. Those days are recalled with fasting (the 4th and 5th months).

"I called on the LORD in distress; The LORD answered me and  set me in a broad place. The LORD  is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The LORD is for me among those who help me; Therefore I shall see my  desire on those who hate me. It  is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man. It  is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in princes. All nations surrounded me, But in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. They surrounded me, Yes, they surrounded me; But in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. They surrounded me like bees; They were quenched like a fire of thorns; For in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. You pushed me violently, that I might fall, But the LORD helped me. The LORD  is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation Is in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of the LORD does valiantly. The right hand of the LORD is exalted; The right hand of the LORD does valiantly. I shall not die, but live, And declare the works of the LORD."
Psalm 118.5-17

In times like these it is always good to be in more constant vigil and prayer.
BUT, as always, our beloved Father gives us a promise of hope:

"“Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘The fast of the fourth month, The fast of the fifth, The fast of the seventh, And the fast of the tenth, Shall be joy and gladness and cheerful feasts For the house of Judah.Therefore love truth and peace.’"
Zechariah 8.19

Let us declare this Word over the House of Israel, so there will no more be sorrow, but life and joy in the Beloved Mashiach Yeshua!

The place in God

Something that the Lord ministered us this month was about the importance and the need of positioning and persisting.
In many areas of our lives we start projects that we believe have been guided by God.
We begin with a lot of enthusiasm and expectation, but over the days and months in the middle of the journey, the enemy comes with its subtleties try to steal our calling and we get discourage.
He attacks us in our emotions and we make decisions based on circumstances and feelings.
Suddenly we are departing, we look and listen to men, their opinions and we deviate from His Word.
We must always return to the feet (and lap) of the one who loves us, who leads and take care of us.
If we hear His voice we will realign to His purpose, repositioning ourselves in the place he placed us, regardless of anything.
In this way, soon we will see His faithfulness changing circumstances, but all because we were faithful in running to the author of life, to our Shepherd.

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
John 10.27

Thank you Lord for teaching us every day.