Thursday, February 9, 2017

Report of Dr. Pierre Barbet, French physician, on the death of Yeshua

I have been meditating a lot on the report below, by Dr. Pierre Barbet. Every time I read this text, I realize how weak we are, how far we are from the true love of God for our lives, and how  we deserve nothing.
Nothing can be compared to the price paid for my life, only a blood sacrifice could set us free from our sins, not any sacrifice,  but rather the sacrifice of Him who is the only true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Only Yeshua can endure such an atrocity, to bear all the sins of the world upon Himself.

Isaiah 53: 4-8  Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?

John 3: 16-21 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God."

So, dear beloved, spend more time in prayer. Pray for the government of your country, pray for your family, for your friends, but also pray for your enemies, do not cultivate hatred. Pray for the nations to receive Yeshua as  their  Lord, pray for the Jewish people who does not yet believe in Yeshua the Messiah, so that they may believe in a true and Jewish Messiah. Pray for the Arab nations, that they will have revelation of the Truth. Thus, it may be fulfilled "Isaiah 19: 22-25 And the Lord will strike Egypt, striking and healing, and they will return to the Lord, and he will listen to their pleas for mercy and heal them. In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and Assyria will come into Egypt, and Egypt into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the Lord of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance."

Pray more, seek the Lord more, there is nothing in life more important than our relationship with Yeshua the Messiah, for He does not want religion or religiosity, but a daily and sincere relationship, with much love and grace.
Work less and spend more time in relationship with your children, they want nothing more than your presence, your love, and friendship. Dedicate time to your family, husbands:  honor and treat your wife with more love, wives: honor and treat your husband with more love.  Honor your parents, smile more, live a sincere relationship full of love with God.

Report of Dr. Pierre Barbet, French physician, on the death of Yeshua

"I'm a surgeon and I've been teaching for some time. For thirteen years I lived in the company of corpses and during my career I studied anatomy in depth. So I can write without presumption about a death like that.
Yeshua entered in agony in Gethsemane and his sweat became like drops of blood running down the earth.
An account of the death of the Messiah: The only evangelist who reports the fact is a physician, Luke. And he does so with the precision of a clinician. Sweating blood, or "hematidrosis," is a very rare phenomenon. It is produced in exceptional conditions: to provoke it requires a physical weakness, accompanied by a violent moral dejection caused by a deep emotion, by a great fear. The terror, the fright, the terrible anguish of feeling carrying all the sins of men must have crushed Yeshua. Such extreme tension causes the very thin capillary veins under the sweat glands to burst, blood is mixed with sweat and concentrated on the skin, and then it flows through the body to the earth.
We know the farce of the process prepared by the Hebrew Sanhedrin, the sending of Yeshua to Pilate and the tiebreaker between the Roman procurator and Herod. Pilate yields, and then orders the flogging of Yeshua. The soldiers strip Yeshua and hold him by the wrist to a column of the courtyard. The flagellation is carried out with multiple leather straps on which are attached poles of lead and small bones.
The executioners must have been two, one on each side, and of different stature. They beat the skin with lashes, already altered by millions of microscopic hemorrhages of blood sweat. The skin breaks and breaks; the blood gushes. At every blow Jesus reacts in a start of pain. The forces vanish; a cold sweat permeates his forehead, his head turns in vertigo of nausea, chills run down his back. If he had not been pinned up by the wrists, he would fall into a pool of blood. Then the derision of the coronation, with long thorns, harder than acacia, the executioners intertwine a kind of helmet and apply it on the head. Thorns penetrate the scalp causing it to bleed (surgeons know how much the scalp bleeds). Pilate, having shown that man torn to the ferocious crowd, gives him up to be crucified. They place on the shoulders of Jesus the great horizontal arm of the Cross; Weighs about fifty kilos. The vertical stake is already planted on Calvary. Yeshua walks barefoot through the streets of uneven ground, full of boulders. The soldiers pull him with the ropes. The route is about 600 meters. Yeshua, fatigued, drags one foot after another, often falls on his knees. And Yeshua's shoulders are covered with sores. When he falls to the ground, the beam escapes, slips, and flakes its back.
On Calvary the crucifixion begins. The executioners strip the condemned man, but his tunic is glued to the wounds, and taking it off produces excruciating pain. Those who have already removed a bandage of gauze from a great wound realize what it is. Each strand of tissue adheres to the living flesh: when they take the tunic, the nerve endings uncovered by the wounds are lacerated. The executioners give a violent jerk. There is a risk of all that pain causing syncope, but it is not the end yet.
The blood begins to drain. Yeshua is lying on his back; his sores are incrusted in dust and boulders. They lay it on the horizontal arm of the cross. The executioners take the measures. With a drill, a hole is drilled in the wood to facilitate penetration of the nails. The executioners pick up a nail (a long pointed nail and square), they rest it on the pulse of Yeshua, with a precise blow of hammer they plant it and they thump it on the wood. Yeshua must have scowled frighteningly. The median nerve was injured. One can imagine what Jesus must have proved; a piercing pain, very sharp, which spread through his fingers, and spread through his shoulders, striking the brain. The most unbearable pain a man can taste, that is, that produced by the injury of the great nervous trunks: it causes a syncope and makes one lose consciousness. Not Yeshua. The nerve is destroyed only in part: the nerve trunk injury remains in contact with the nail: when the body is suspended on the cross, the nerve will tighten like a violin string stretched over the nail. With each bump, with each movement, it will vibrate awakening tearing pains, an ordeal that will last three hours.
The executioner and his helper wield the end of the latch; they raise Jesus, placing him first seated and then standing; consequently making him tip over backward, leaning on the vertical stake. Then they quickly fit the horizontal arm of the cross onto the vertical stake. The victim's shoulders rub painfully over the rough wood. The sharp edges of the great crown of thorns pierce the skull. The head of Yeshua leans forward, since the diameter of the crown prevents it from leaning on the wood.
Each time the martyr raises his head, sharp pangs of pain begin again. His feet are nailed. At noon Yeshua is thirsty. He has not had a drink since the afternoon before. Your body is a mask of blood. The mouth is half open and the lower lip begins to sag. His throat, dry, burns, but he cannot swallow. He is thirsty. A soldier stretches him over the tip of a stick, a sponge dipped in sour drink, in use among the military; all that is an atrocious torture. A strange phenomenon occurs in the body of Yeshua. The muscles of the arms tighten in a contraction that is becoming more pronounced: the deltoids, the biceps stretched and raised, the fingers curl. It's like it happens to someone injured from tetanus. This is what doctors call tetany, when the symptoms are generalized: the muscles of the abdomen tighten into immobile waves, then those between the ribs, the neck, and the respiratory. The breath becomes, little by little shorter. The air comes in with a hiss, but it cannot get out. Yeshua breathes with the apex of the lungs. He has a thirst for air: as an asthmatic in the midst of crisis, his pale face gradually turns red, then turns into a purple violet and finally into cyanitic.

Yeshua is surrounded by asphyxiation. The air-filled lungs can no longer be emptied. The forehead is drenched with sweat; the eyes are out of orbit.
But what happens? Slowly with a superhuman effort, Yeshua takes a point of support on the nail of the feet. He struggles with small strokes, rises relieving the pull of his arms. The muscles in the chest stretch. The breathing becomes broader and deeper, the lungs empty, and the face recovers its initial pallor.
Why this effort? Because Yeshua wants to say, "Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing."
Immediately the body begins to loosen again, and the asphyxiation resumes. Seven sentences were pronounced by him on the cross: every time he wants to speak, he must raise himself with the nail of his feet. Unthinkable!
Attracted by the blood that still escapes and by the clotted swarms of flies buzz around his body, but he cannot shake them. Shortly afterwards the sky darkens, the sun goes down: suddenly the temperature decreases. Soon it will be three in the afternoon, after a torture that lasts three hours. All his pains, thirst, cramps, suffocation, throbbing of the middle nerves, comes a cry: "My God, my God, why did you forsake me?"
Jesus cries out, "Everything is finished!" Then in a great cry he says, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." And die, in my place and yours. "
Pierre Barbet (1884–1961) was a French physician, and the chief surgeon at Saint Joseph's Hospital in Paris.
By performing various experiments, Barbet introduced a set of theories on the  Crucifixion of Yeshua.

After reading this impressive report, if you want to receive Yeshua, or if you who already believe in the Messiah, but were compelled by the enormous price paid for mine and your life, say this prayer:
I believe that Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel, he is the Son of God who came among us, was crucified, rose from the death and lives in us through the Holy Spirit. He will return to reign over all the earth, for every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Yeshua is the Messiah.
I, (say your name), welcome Yeshua the Messiah as my only and sufficient Savior and Lord.
I deny all involvement with other gods, idols and entities; I declare that from now on, I belong to Yeshua the Messiah.
Dear Father, I know that I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness, I repent from my sins and ask that you forgive me, as I forgive all who have harmed me. I invite you to come to my heart and my life, and I ask you, write my name in the book of life, in the name of Yeshua the Messiah, amen.
Now that you have received Yeshua as your Lord and Savior, or if you have re-aligned yourself to the Kingdom of God, write to us so that you may be instructed in the word of the Lord !!!

In the sublime and wonderful love of Yeshua haMashiach

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